Kolindros (Greek: ) is a village located in Pieria prefecture, Greece. It is part of the municipality of Kolindros with a true population of 5223 in the year 2001. Kolindros had 3629 citizens in 2001

Kolindros is around 50 km from Thessaloniki, 40 km from Katerini, 42 km from Veria.

Municipality of Kolindros

The population of the municipality had a true population 5233 divided in the following municipal districts

  • Kolindros / Δ.δ. Κολινδρού [ 3895 ]
    • Kolindros / ο [ 3629 ]
    • Paliampela / τα [ 266 ]
  • Kastanea / Δ.δ. Καστανέας -- η [ 423 ]
  • Livadion / Δ.δ. Λιβαδίου -- το [ 307 ]
  • Ryakia / Δ.δ. Ρυακίων -- τα [ 598 ]


Livadi (older Form Livadion)

Livadi is a village 8 km from Kolindros. It is mentioned in a document from 1761. In the ottoman period it was known as Voulysta or Voultista.


Findings from neolithic period, found at Paliampela. Ethnological Museum of Kolindros. Photo/Source: Lemur12


Ryakia is a village (alt. 430 m) NW of Katerini and 12 km from Kolindros. In the past Ryakia was called Rantiani. The region was owned by the Alatini brothers in the Ottoman period. In the region a bronze bust of the roman Emperor Alexander Severus was discovered which is now in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki. Festivals: 20 July in honour of Prophet Ilias.

See also

Municipality YPES code Seat Postal code Area code ((0)30-)
Kolindros 4206 Kolindros 600 61 23530-3

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